Q and A

Living with HIV long-term

What are the long term effects of HIV treatment?

What can i do to help loose weight?

Is it OK to smoke and drink?

Does HIV cause high blood pressure?

Can i get married if i have HIV?

Why does stigma still stop me telling my boyfriend?

When will there be a cure for HIV?

Should I be stressed to learn my wife is positive?

Rheumatoid arthritis and joint pain stops me walking

Can I stop treatment if missing weekend doses has been okay?

HIV, life expectancy and having a baby with a negative partner

What diet should I follow?

My CD4 is 955, what’s my life expectancy?

Questions from India on exercise and diet

I am worried about kidney function and have transmitted drug resistance

Does HIV mean I’m likely to get cancer?

How can I stop feeling so worried all the time?

We’re both positive- can we adopt?

We’re both positive, can we have unprotected sex?

Do HIV positive people need to reduce stress?

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