Q and A

Opportunistic infections

Complications of Reiter's disease (reactive arthritis)

What are the risks of catching TB if I am HIV positive?

Confused about hepatitis C antibody tests…

What is the right time to start ARV treatment?

Can ARVs protect me from HPV?

Can I use valaciclovir to treat HIV?

Does my neuroligist need to know that I am HIV-positive?

Is taking nevirapine a risk factor for heart disease?

Pain and drug switching

Can I take antibiotics if I am HIV positive?

What could help my partner put on weight?

What causes mouth ulcers?

How does having low platelet levels affect someone with long-term HIV?

How serious is toxoplasmosis?

Is it mandatory to take prophylaxis against PCP?

What are polyps? Can they be pre-cancerous growths?

What can I do after an MRI scan has found lesions in my brain?

What are fusion inhibitors and how do they work?

Cotrimoxazole not recommended for pregnant HIV-positive women?

How do I deal with recurrent shingles?

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