Q and A

Opportunistic infections

Why are my lymph nodes still enlarged after 4 months?

Shall I start medications, as I have serious skin problems?

Should I take medication for a bladder problem ?

Could I be still positive?

Viral load and drug choice with HIV-2 infection: do not use NNRTIs

Foamy urine and dry palms

Do HIV increase time for cuts to heal?

My father has just been diagnosed with HCV…

What is immune reconstitution syndrome?

Are mouth ulcers symptoms of HIV?

Can a person get a MAC infection without being HIV-positive?

I have a MAC. Medications don't work, what shall I do?

What causes angina tonsillaris?

I am newly diagnosed can you explain HIV treatments?

Are my fever and cough related to my CD4 count?

Question relating to previous answer: CD4 count and risk of IRIS

Can you get infections after starting treatment while your CD4 is still low?

Are warts contagious?

Long term benefits of treatment – is TB coinfection rare?

Are hard skin and warts caused by AIDS?

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