Q and A


How safe is a combination of Efiverenz/tenonofovir/lamivudine in pregnancy?

I missed 3 days of atrozia, will my baby be OK?

Are ARVs for life?

I’m on meds and pregnant, will my baby be OK?

I am HIV negative, my girlfriend is positive. Can we have a baby?

Will my baby have HIV?

Is it safe to have a baby with my negative husband?

Can I have a vaginal birth – I’m 8 months pregnant and my CD4 is 305?

I’m 20 weeks pregnant and on ARVs is my baby infected?

Is it normal to get side effects when starting ARVs late on in a pregnancy?

My husband is positive and on treatment, can we have a baby, am I at risk?

My husband is undetectable, I’m on PrEP can I still get infected?

My husband is positive and I am negative, can we have a child?

I’m HIV positive, can I have a child?

When should I start treatment so that I don’t transmit HIV to my baby?

Is it safe to take Aluvia, lamivudine and zidovudine when you’re pregnant?

I’m pregnant and have a low CD4, will ARVs be effective?

Should I take Tribuss or Trivenz?

How many tests are needed to know if a baby is negative?

Can I breastfeed if I have run out of formula food?

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