HIV reinfection (superinfection)

What are the chances of reinfection when you’re on ART?

My viral load is undetectable can I be reinfected?

Am I at risk from resistance if my partner is not yet on meds?

Is there is risk of reinfection if I am on treatment?

Is reinfection a risk if two HIV positive people are undetectable?

Is HIV reinfection a myth?

Both my partner and I are positive, though he’s not on meds, do we need condoms?

My husband sleeps around and he isn’t on medication, am I at risk?

Can I reinfect my partner if I am not on meds?

With PrEP drugs in my HIV combination protect me from reinfection?

If I have unprotected sex with other HIV positive people will I get resistance?

What is the risk for two HIV positive people without condoms?

How can a couple who are both positive have a child?

I’m undetectable, can i transmit HIV to my boyfriend?

We want a baby, can we have unprotected sex?

We are not using protection, what about reinfection?

We are both HIV positive, what are the chances of re-infecting each other?

We are both positive and had unprotected sex – what are the risks?

Can two men who are undetectable have sex without condoms?

How can I find out if I have HIV-2?

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