Q and A

Side effects

Can HIV cause erectile dysfunction?

Is diarrhoea common in people with HIV?

Is it safe to take St. John's wort while on antiretrovirals?

Which HAART regimen is best when starting treatment?

What drug can I switch to instead of efavirenz?

Will my side effects from efavirenz subside soon?

Can I do something about my discoloured nails?

Should I worry about borderline anaemia?

Will a bloated stomach on saquinavir/ritonavir improve?

Can I do something to reduce the side effects of my combination?

Can some HIV treatments increase blood presure?

Is this increase in blood glucose an indication of diabetes?

Is bilirubin of 46 mmol/L on atazanavir damaging my liver?

Will cocaine stop my HIV medications working?

Does my neuroligist need to know that I am HIV-positive?

Does Prozac interact with PIs and could this cause hair loss?

Is taking nevirapine a risk factor for heart disease?

Pain and drug switching

What drugs can I use in my next treatment and what drugs are coming next?

Does increased bilirubin from atazanavir damage my liver?

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