Q and A

Starting treatment

What is my life expectancy if i don’t start treatment?

When will I be able to start dolutegravir in the UK?

My husband started meds with a CD4 count of 4? What about his liver?

What are the main blood tests after being diagnosed?

Side effects vs symptoms when starting meds with a low CD4?

What is my chance of having a healthy life?

Options for starting treatment in the UK if newly diagnosed

I just started ARVs with a CD4 of 18 and I feel bloated…

Does Atroiza (Atripla) cause eye problems?

How dangerous is it to not be on treatment with a CD4 count of 154?

Can my CD4 count show how long I’ve been positive?

My CD4 count is 1 and I’ve just started meds…

My CD4 is still under 200 after a month – is this okay?

Will smoking affect my treatment?

Can Atroiza be used by men and women?

My partner’s CD4 is 800, can he start treatment?

I have a CD4 of 714, when should i start ARVs?

How can i increase my CD4 count?

My CD4 count is 14%, am i going to die soon?

My CD4 has dropped by 65, do i need to be worried?

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