Q and A

Starting treatment

I don’t want to start treatment yet. Am i at risk?

My CD4 has only risen slowly, should i be alarmed?

Does a viral load of 5 million copies stand for 5 thousand?

Should I be worried about CD4 decrease?

Is green tea good for me?

What time after infection referred to in the context of “early treatment”?

What will happen when I start Tribuss?

How high will my CD4 go on treatment?

Why is my sister vomiting after starting Trixazole?

My CD4 count has dropped after 6 months on ARVs

I feel weak in the evenings, should I start ARVs?

What time should I take my ARVs?

Will treatment be effective?

Just diagnosed, should I take CD4MAX?

How can I feel fine off-meds with a very low CD4 count?

I just started odimune and have difficult side effects.

When will vomiting with Tribuss stop?

How much do I need to eat with Eviplera?

My CD4 is 50 but I’m scared to start treatment!

Can I stop ARVs after birth?

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