CROI 25 (Retrovirus) 2018

CROI 2018: third reports

No increased risk of IRIS in people with low CD4 counts receiving raltegravir in the REALITY trial

Isoniazid preventive TB therapy in pregnancy and postpartum: recommendations now need to be re-evaluated

Efavirenz might decrease effectiveness of the vaginal contraceptive ring

Switch to TAF appears safe and effective in adolescents: similar PK to adults

Doubling raltegravir dose could overcome interaction with rifampicin in children aged 2 to 6

Reducing risk of myocardial infarction (MI) in HIV positive people

M184V mutation associated with increased risk of viral blip but not viral failure with 3TC-based dual therapy

CROI 2018: second reports

Ibalizumab 24-week phase 3 results and susceptibility to drug-resistant HIV

Statin use might reduce risk of cancer in HIV positive people

Standard dose of dolutegravir sufficient in late pregnancy: interim results from DolPHIN-1 study

Women’s risk of becoming HIV positive increases three-fold in late pregnancy and four-fold postpartum

25th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2018)

Inching towards an HIV cure: bNAb and TLR-7 agonist reduce viral rebound off-ART in macaques

No HIV evolution in plasma or lymph nodes on suppressive ART and no impact from further intensification

Dual therapy can reduce TB prophylaxis from nine months to one: fewer side effects and more people complete treatment

Twice-daily dolutegravir is effective and tolerable with rifampicin 

Once-daily tenofovir alafenamide appears sufficient when dosed with rifampicin

Bictegravir at CROI 2018: switching studies and drug resistance analyses

PrEP at CROI 2018 (part 1): Access in Australia and the US

PrEP at CROI 2018 (part 2): Animal studies for future drugs

BHIVA best of CROI feedback workshops

CROI 2018 – highlights from the preliminary programme