
Scaling up: what to do first?

US paediatric guidelines updated (August 2010)

New WHO guidelines for children (July 2010)

Potential impact of new WHO pregnancy guidance (2010)

South African antiretroviral treatment guidelines (2010)

BHIVA draft guidelines for the treatment of opportunistic infections (2010): online for comment

Infant feeding in the UK (2010): draft guidelines online for comment

Legal issues on HIV transmission and the law for healthcare workers: draft guidelines online for comment

US guidelines update (2010): treat when CD4 is less than 500 cells/mm3

WHO publish major revisions to HIV management guidelines (Nov 2009)

Updated paediatric HIV treatment guidelines (PENTA, 2009)

EACS releases three updated management guidelines (December 2009)

UK (BHIVA) guidelines online for comment (2009)

HIV and hepatitis coinfection guidelines (2009): online for comment

US pregnancy guidelines updated (2009)

US Guidelines on prevention and treatment of opportunistic infections updated (2009)

BHIVA guidelines for TB/HIV coinfection (2009): online for comment

IAS USA resistance guidelines (2008)

BHIVA guidelines for immunisation of HIV-infected adults (2008)

2008 European Guidelines (EACS) online

US guidelines updated – November 2008

UK National Guidelines for HIV Testing 2008

UK Guidelines on the Management of HIV infection in Pregnant Women (2008) published

UK Guidelines on HIV Associated Malignancies (2008) published online

US paediatric guidelines updated (2008)

UK (BHIVA) 2008 Treatment Guidelines published online

Major updates to US guidelines on prevention and treatment of OIs (2008)

US paediatric guidelines updated (2008)

US treatment guidelines updated (2008)

New European guidelines launched (2007)

US adult treatment guidelines updated (December 2007)

US updates guidelines on use of ARVs during pregnancy (Dec 2007)

UK (BHIVA) pregnancy guidelines online for comment (2007)

New PK data for protease inhibitors

BHIVA launch standards for HIV clinical care (2007)

WHO EURO releases European clinical protocols for HIV/AIDS care and the report of the consultation on criminalisation of HIV/AIDS (2006)

US adult treatment guidelines updated (Oct 2006)

US perinatal guidelines updated (2006)

US guidelines for the use of antiretroviral agents in paediatric HIV infection revised (2006)

BHIVA draft report on UK standards for HIV care (2006)

US adult treatment guidelines updated (2006)

WHO guidelines for ARV treatment in resource limited settings (2006)

Updated US perinatal guidelines (2006)

US adult treatment guidelines updated (May 2006)

Draft BHIVA immunisation guidelines online (2006)

NICE publishes TB guidelines in UK

UK guidelines on PEP after sexual exposure (March 2006)

US paediatric guidelines updated (Feb 2006)

US pregnancy guidelines updated (Dec 2005)

UK treatment guidelines online (2005)

US adult guidelines updated – July 2005

US adult treatment guidelines updated (2005)

Draft BHIVA treatment guidelines online for comment

US guidelines on paediatric care updated (March 2005)

UK guidelines for liver transplant in HIV-positive patients

US treatment guidelines updated (Jan 2005)

Updated UK guidelines for HIV and hepatitis coinfection (2005)

British 2003 HIV treatment guidelines are published online

US guidelines updated (July 2003)

Outline of changes to UK 2003 guidelines for treating HIV in adults

Updated recommendations for use of antiretroviral drugs in pregnant HIV-1-infected women for maternal health and interventions to reduce perinatal HIV-1 transmission in the United States

Updated guidelines for using antiretroviral agents among HIV-positive adults and adolescents (2002): recommendations of the Panel on Clinical Practices for Treatment of HIV

First audit of BHIVA treatment guidelines reveals suboptimal access to viral load and resistance tests

New US guidelines for the prevention of opportunistic infections in people infected with HIV

Updated US Public Health Service guidelines for the management of occupational exposures to HBV, HCV and HIV and recommendations for postexposure prophylaxis (PEP)

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