Q and A

HIV transmission

Is undetectable in blood the same as undetectable in genital fluids?

What is the safest way to feed my baby?

My partner is positive, will i get infected?

I moved and lost my insurance, i can’t afford meds now.

My partner won’t use a condom. Will my baby get HIV?

I am positive and he isn’t, how can i get pregnant?

I had unprotected sex with my positive girlfriend, what are my chances?

What is the proof that HIV causes AIDS?

I have HIV and am pregnant. I’m having sex, is that ok?

The condom broke, is he at risk?

My nanny has HIV, is it safe for my child?

I’m undetectable, can i transmit HIV to my boyfriend?

I’m undetectable, can i transmit HIV through oral sex?

My girlfriend is positive, how can we have a baby?

Is HIV transmitted easily?

My wife is testing negative what are the chances our daughter contracted HIV?

What are the chances my baby will not be HIV positive?

My boyfriend wants unprotected sex, what are the chances of him getting infected?

I took one of my girlfriend’s meds, will they affect me?

My husband was diagnosed, can you tell when he became positive?

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