Q and A


What are implications of a treatment break if you are on salvage therapy?

Is it important to get a resistance test after being diagnosed?

My viral load went up from 58 to 102…

How long can I be delayed with a dose?

What are the physical implications of non-adherence to ART?

Can I be late with Atripla?

Will I get resistance – or live to 50?

What drugs can I use in my next treatment and what drugs are coming next?

Are there new treatments available for drug resistant HIV?

How do genetic mutations relate to HIV?

What are fusion inhibitors and how do they work?

I would like to know more about salvage therapy

Do I need to worry if I am late with my meds?

Treatment breaks…

New medications…

Is it better to use T-20 or TMC-114?

Viral load undetectable then rebounded…

Why is important to get my viral load undetectable?

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