Q and A


What do the results of my husband mean?

Does HIV treatment involve injections in the backside?

How many combinations are there before salvage therapy?

Is an hour window time ok for adherence?

What are the implications if I stop my medications while in the US?

Are there advantages of switching to raltegravir and darunavir?

What is the possibility someone re-infected with HIV to go on new medication that will work for them again?

How detrimental it is to stop treatment while on NNRTI?

Is there a risk of resistance from one partner starting meds?

How can I postpone starting treatment and what is a resistance test?

Can I have unprotected sex with somebody who is also HIV-positive?

Do I really need to take my medications with/without food?

How often can I miss a dose?

Viral load and drug choice with HIV-2 infection: do not use NNRTIs

How do I work out the times to take Combivir and efavirenz?

What is solution for cross resistance?

Will most people develop resistance to HIV treatment?

Can you take a treatment break?

Is it safe to take St. John's wort while on antiretrovirals?

Can someone with a resistant strain of virus be treated?

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