Q and A

Side effects

Does Atripla cause upper stomach pain and should I be worried?

What is the situation for HIV positive people on medication who have previous alcohol-based liver damage?

How do I know if the ARV dosage is correct when I have polycystic kidney disease?

I have multi-drug resistant HIV, can I stop the T-20?

What are the lumps in my arm-pits, are they cancer?

I have lost my sex drive – what is the cause of this?

Should I be worried about fibrinogen and c-reactive protein levels?

Is inflammation a problem if I am on treatment?

Can Trizivir cause side effects like apathy and lack of concentration?

I am taking Atripla and having sleep problems, are the two related?

Why am I putting on weight?

If I am pregnant can I take AZT on its own?

Does AZT change the colour of my nails?

What is sinus bradycardia and do HIV meds cause it?

Is peripheral neuropathy a side effect of Atripla?

I am having trouble taking ARVs, when should I start a new combination?

Will treatment work? My partner has a CD4 count of 118…

Is my weight-gain healthy?

I have peripheral neuropathy, why is my CD4 count fluctuating?

Is sweating when living in a tropical country HIV-related?

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