Q and A

Side effects

I have a serious rash from starting treatment – should I stop taking my meds?

Can my doctor force me to take treatment if I don't want it?

Will I get my old figure back?

Is increased cholesterol due to the HIV or the meds?

What are the risks of taking an over-dose of ARVs?

Does alcohol interact with HIV meds?

I have just started medication and have a lot of questions…..

I have started PEP and want to know if I will be okay?

What are the risks from changing my atazanavir dose?

Is loosing weight from legs and buttocks a side effect?

Can I move when I take Atripla by 1 hour to avoid dizziness?

Do HIV medicines lower your sex drive?

Can I change my treatment to avoid peripheral neuropathy?

My body itches all over – is it because of Atripla?

If I change the time I take Atripla to fit in with my shift work will it cause resistance?

Does Viagra react with tenofovir, 3TC and efavirenz?

What can I do about the weight gain around my tummy and breasts?

I want to use cinnamon to cure the following side effects…

Quiero saber como manejar los efectos colaterales del efavirenz

Is my HIV medication causing my nausea?

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