Q and A

Side effects

What can I do about my high levels of bilirubin now I am on atazanavir?

If I adhere 100% will resistance happen over time anyway?

Can I take Ginseng with my ARVs to overcome my fatigue?

Is my premature ejaculation related to HIV?

What are the side effects of atazanavir, abacavir and Atripla?

When will I start to go yellow on atazanavir?

Are my cholesterol levels ok?

Will taking aloe vera stop me needing ARVs?

Am I having delayed side effects?

What can someone do about pains in their legs and arms?

I didn't take my meds with food – will I get resistance?

Is it normal to come out in spots when starting HIV treatment?

I am changing from Truvada and efavirenz to Atripla, will I get lipodystrophy?

I don't want to take treatment, how can I increase my CD4 count?

I am losing weight, is it because of my smoking?

My brother has lactic acidosis, which meds should he be taking?

I am having trouble with hair loss, is it as a result of the HIV meds?

I like taking one pill a day but have side effects, what should I do?

My liver is reacting to my drinking, please give me some advice?

I am gaining weight, what slimming pills can I take?

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