Q and A

Side effects

How do I treat or prevent skin problems?

Have I been re-infected with HIV?

Can I take HIV medication with my Asthma medication?

What is the best time of day to take Atripla?

Can I take time off work as sick leave for side effects?

What does ‘an empty stomach’ mean when taking Atripla?

Is tiredness a side effect?

Can we have unprotected sex?

Can I drink alcohol with Atripla?

When should I start treatment and which combinations should I take?

What can I do about my abdominal fat?

Estou recebendo o melhor tratamento? (Am I getting the best treatment?)

Which drugs should I take if I go back to Chile?

I am losing weight, is this normal?

Is tinnitus (ringing in the ears) a side effect?

Do these meds interact with my ARVs? Can I travel to Nigeria?

How can I stop the strange taste I get as a side-effect of raltegravir?

What is the cause of my throat pain?

Would having an auto-immune disorder such as arthritis reduce the number of resting CD4 cells

Are palpitations/heavy sweating/dry mouth/shakes/confusion related to kidney function?

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