Q and A

Side effects

Sore muscles, tiredness and feeling irritable on treatment

Is a sinus problem IRIS?

Should I switch treatment if I have fat loss?

Does yohimbe interact with HIV meds?

How do I time my meds when travelling?

How can I increase my sexual desire?

How long do I need to stay on HIV drugs?

Can d4T be replaced by AZT?

Will stopping meds reduce fatigue?

Will the yellowing of my eyes disappear?

Could this itching be a side effect?

How can I get rid of the scars?

Treatment choices to reduce high cholesterol…

Worried about facial lipoatrophy, what shall I do?

I am feeling tired, what shall I do?

Can I use minoxidil 5% scalp solution if I'm on HIV treatment?

Switching back to Kaletra after efavirenz…

Does food change Atripla absorption?

Bilirubin levels and yellow eyes after switch to atazanavir…

What is lactic acidosis?

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