Q and A

Side effects

What is my chance to reverse lipo?

Could this be SJS?

Do HIV meds have any dermatological (skin) effects?

Why has my CD4 count dropped? What about cholesterol?

Can I get resistance from an ARV overdose?

How are the words ‘rare’ and ‘common’ defined for side effects?

What can I do about darkening of the skin and thinning of the limbs and face?

My skin became darker, what can I do?

Will the itching disappear over time?

If I take HIV drugs early is there a risk of overdose?

When shall I expect the side effects to start?

Is my doctor right to stop my medications?

What herbal teas can I drink for sleep problems?

Do darunavir/ritonavir/Truvada cause lipodystrophy?

Could that be a result of anaemia?

Could I have lipoatrophy if I am not on meds?

Are aches in my fingers and knees a side effect?

Should my partner start treatment taking Sustiva and Truvada separately?

Is food important with atazanavir? what about the yellowing?

Will my medications be free in the UK?

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