Q and A

Starting treatment

How long do I need to stay on HIV drugs?

My CD4 is 347… do I need to start treatment?

Do HIV-positive pregnant women have to have an abortion?

My CD4 is 350; what can my viral load be?

I am newly diagnosed at 21 – what should I ask my doctor?

Is d4T+3TC+EFV good enough?

Is this AIDS dementia?

Could you explain my results and opportunistic infections?

Shall I start treatment?

What if I don't get a response to the HepB vaccine?

Will loosing weight protect my CD4 count?

Shall I start treatment?

When shall I expect the side effects to start?

Is my doctor right to stop my medications?

What is the 'window period' for twice-daily drugs?

What would you say to someone who has the very initial questions?

Is Truvada+Stocrin a good combination?

Timing for starting Sustiva + Truvada combination?

Can I take omega-3 and multivitamins with ARVs?

Feedback, thank-you and dont give up!

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