Q and A

Starting treatment

What does a CD4% of 8 mean in terms of starting treatment?

Can I get HIV-related illnesses if my CD4 count is over 200?

What do these lab results mean?

Should my partner start treatment taking Sustiva and Truvada separately?

I'm a rapid progressor – is my life expectancy reduced as a result?

Is Trustiva good enough?

Will my medications be free in the UK?

Should I use Sustiva if I am on shift work?

Questions about test results if recently diagnosed

Am I fooling myself or is a long life really possible?

What can I use apart from ARVs?

Shall I start medications now?

What is the chance I will not need treatment within 5 years?

Do I need treatment if my CD4 count is 240?

Are the medications in Erithrea the same as the medications in the UK?

Is impetigo a reason to start treatment?

Will I use the same meds for my treatment that I used in pregnancy?

Is treatment in 2008 better than ten years ago?

What do you know about raltegravir (Isentress)?

Is it easy to catch HIV from oral vaginal sex?

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