Q and A

Starting treatment

How many pills takes a positve person when starting therapy?

If I started treatment soon after infection, should I continue or stop after 8 months?

Should I be so optimistic now I have started treatment?

What kind of recovery can someone expect if their CD4 count is 22?

Do you believe Dr Fauci's claim for a cure from early treatment?

Government, confidentiality, volunteering for trials…

What are the chances of survival with CD4 count of 10?

Should I start treament now?

Shall I start medications, as I have serious skin problems?

My CD-4 cell count is 122. How do I boost them to get a higher count?

Feeling tired on Atripla/Sustiva and CD4 increases after restarting treatment

Viral load and drug choice with HIV-2 infection: do not use NNRTIs

How do I work out the times to take Combivir and efavirenz?

Can Truvada and Sustiva (efavirenz) cause fat loss?

How often do people stop taking hiv meds because of severe side effects?

Are the benefits to early treatment including being less infectious?

What is the maximum number of pills I might need when I start treatment?

What is immune reconstitution syndrome?

Impact of having to start treatment due to faster progression…

Shall I start treatment, as I have symptoms?

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