Q and A

Starting treatment

Do fast progressors have a shorter life expectancy?

Is my relative's HIV progressing too rapidly?

How long can someone with HIV live?

I am newly diagnosed can you explain HIV treatments?

How do I start treatment?

Are my fever and cough related to my CD4 count?

Should my viral load be undectectable after 5 months?

Can you get infections after starting treatment while your CD4 is still low?

Long term benefits of treatment – is TB coinfection rare?

Do I have to pay for antiretrovirals?

Do I have to pay for meds if I work in the UK?

My firend is just diagnosed, how long can they live with AIDS?

Which HAART regimen is best when starting treatment?

How long will a combination work for?

What is a CD4 count?

Is it too late to start treatment?

What drug can I switch to instead of efavirenz?

Can stress and other factors stop meds from working?

What is the right time to start ARV treatment?

Will a bloated stomach on saquinavir/ritonavir improve?

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