Q and A

Starting treatment

Can I take HIV medication with my Asthma medication?

What is the best time of day to take Atripla?

How strict should I be about the time I take my HIV medication?

Are yeast infections a sign of a weak immune system?

Can I take time off work as sick leave for side effects?

When should I start treatment and which combinations should I take?

La glaucoma puede estar relacionada con los medicamentos que estoy tomando? (Is my glaucoma related to my medication?)

Which drugs should I take if I go back to Chile?

Why is my viral load fluctuating so much?

Is my CD4 count too low to reach normal when I start treatment?

What is the difference between NRTIs and NNRTIs?

Should I start treatment early?

Will very early treatment reduce latent infection?

Can I have my baby in the UK?

Sore muscles, tiredness and feeling irritable on treatment

Is a sinus problem IRIS?

What is the prognosis if diagnosed with these symptoms?

Does treatment work if you start with a low CD4 count?

Should I start treatment at CD4 320?

Should I start treatment in South Africa with a CD4 count of 320?

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