Q and A

Starting treatment

If I am pregnant can I take AZT on its own?

Does AZT change the colour of my nails?

I am having trouble taking ARVs, when should I start a new combination?

Will treatment work? My partner has a CD4 count of 118…

Do I need to start treatment?

Is my weight-gain healthy?

I have been on treatment for 4 months, why is my viral load still detectable?

I am too scared to start medication!

Will prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) drugs harm my baby?

With a CD4 count of 77 do I have AIDS?

At what age do infants usually begin HIV treatment?

Does anxiety and depression affect my CD4 count?

If I adhere to my medication is resistance still possible?

Which treatment can I take after monotherapy for hepatitis B?

How long will it take for my CD4 count to go back up?

Is it possible for CD4 cells to decrease so quickly?

I have been treated for hep B and hep C, now which HIV treatments should I take?

I am HIV positive, can I work in Angola?

I have been treated for hepatitis B – what HIV medication should I take?

Co-infected with hepatitis B and hepatitis C, when should I start HIV treatment?

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