Use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) by sero-different couples wanting to conceive a child

Increased incidence of miscarriage with efavirenz use

No impact of HSV-2 suppressive therapy on HIV incidence

Penile washing directly after sex increased the risk of acquiring HIV: circumcision effective for men in high prevalence populations no protective effect in gay men

HBV or HCV coinfection produced higher risk from treatment interruptions: drug holidays and hepatitis don’t mix

9th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy in HIV, 19-21 July 2007, Sydney

Can nevirapine be safely substituted for other agents in those with high CD4 cell counts and virologic suppression?

Do children with perinatally acquired HIV infection have problems with metabolism and body shape?

The growth hormone releasing factor analogue tesamorelin (TH9507) reduces visceral fat, but what else does it do?

Does diabetes have the same impact on cardiovascular risk in HIV-positive patients as it does in the general population?

Can nucleoside RT inhibitors directly cause insulin resistance?

Do dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, and body shape changes differ according to race or ethnicity?

Is lipoatrophy associated with vascular dysfunction?

Mbeki draws international scorn for firing deputy health minister

Lesotho to revise national guidelines to include tenofovir first line

International AIDS treatment advocacy group says overhaul needed to reach new G8 treatment goals

Indian court ruling in Novartis case protects India as the pharmacy of the developing world

Abbott drops lawsuit against community action

Maraviroc approved in the US

Monogram launches Trofile HIV co-receptor tropism test

UK (BHIVA) pregnancy guidelines online for comment (2007)

Increased rates of pre-term delivery are associated with the Initiation of HAART during pregnancy: a single-centre cohort study

First paediatric fixed dose triple combination (Pedimune) is approved by FDA for use in PEPFAR

Caution in dosing paediatric oral solution of Kaletra

Paediatric formulation of fosamprenavir approved in the US

Deferred treatment arm of CHER study stopped

BMS issue Dear Doctor letter about risk of entecavir in HIV/HBV coinfection

The dispersal process for HIV positive asylum seekers

Volume 8 Number 8/9 August/September 2007 PDF

Volume 8 Number 6/7 June/July 2007

Roche recalls nelfinavir (Viracept) due to chemical impurity

European Medicines Agency press release on the nelfinavir recall

Notification of product recall due to Class 1 drug alert

EMEA questions and answers on the nelfinavir recall

XVI International HIV Drug Resistance Workshop, 12-16 June 2007, Barbados

Integrase inhibitors and resistance

Treatment failure and tropism changes in maraviroc trial related to previously undetected CXCR4, rather than a mutational shift from CCR5

Mechanisms of failure to CCR5 inhibitors is not explained by mutation in the V3 loop, cross-resistance between CCR5 inhibitors is likely

Higher risk of resistance using lopinavir/r monotherapy

Macaque study shows similar protection from rectal exposure using 2-hour pre- and 24-hour post exposure prophylaxis with tenofovir plus FTC compared to daily regimen

Thirteen NNRTI mutations linked to resistance to etravirine (TMC-125)

14th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, 25-28 February 2007, Los Angeles

Protease inhibitors in pregnancy

Low rates of HCV treatment among eligible injection drug users

Effect of HCV and HIV on mortality among injecting drug users

HCV/HIV-co-infected IDUs are at increased risk of death from hepatitis-related death in the HAART era, compared with HCV-mono-IDUs

Long-term effectiveness of isoniazid prophylaxis on TB incidence in a cohort of IDUs

The dynamics of HCV transmission among injection drug users in St. Petersburg

“Founder effect” among HIV-positive IDU in Karachi, Pakistan

8th International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy, April 2007, Budapest, Hungary

Drug-drug interactions

Pharmacokinetic data with existing antiretrovirals

Antiretroviral pharmacokinetics in special patient populations

Pharmacology of investigational drugs

G8 pledges to Africa are insufficient

Abbott sues ACT-UP Paris

UK’s DFID support of Thailand

Roche patent for hepatitis C drug challenged in India

30 cases of atazanavir-related kidney stones reported

Tenofovir and indinavir associated with increased risk of chronic renal failure in EuroSIDA study

Antiretroviral therapy and premature delivery in the United Kingdom and Ireland

Early response to NNRTI-based antiretroviral therapy among women with prior exposure to single-dose nevirapine

Mother to child transmission during exclusive breastfeeding

Surveillance of mother-to-child-transmission programmes: the case for universal screening

Rapid progression in infants infected with HIV despite single dose nevirapine prophylaxis

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