Treatment advocacy

CROI 2025: Delegates send open letter to protest US cuts

CROI 2025: Stand Up For Science rally against Trump funding freeze

Jay Bhattacharya is proposed to head the US NIH which would further wreck global science

Responses to the UK government slashing international aid by 40%

Deleted words from official documents: LGBTQ, diversity, inclusion, transgender

Featured Impact of US elections and executive orders on global health: waiver covers PEPFAR with restrictions

Trump bans travel for US government scientists, presentations restricted, documents disappearing

Chiva short films on children and HIV shortlisted for charity award

Liverpool University Drug Interaction website recognised for global impact on research and care

US NIAID updates HIV guide to person-centred language

i-Base library archived at the Bishopsgate Institute and Wellcome Collection

Activist pin-up calendar from ACT UP London

AIDS 2024: Including people living with HIV in non-HIV research

UNAIDS report: The urgency of now – AIDS at a crossroads.

New community call to challenge social settings that drive HIV-related stigma

“Let’s talk about sex work”: A terminology statement and guide

UK HIV Positive Voices survey: many people doing well but life is still difficult for others; growing belief in U=U

Uganda hate law blocks HIV research: join 300 leading researchers in sign-on protest

Uganda update: LGBTQ+ hate law challenged in the courts

Uganda report: Increase in LGBTQI+ assaults and human rights violations need urgent activist responses

UK cascade data cautions UNAIDS 95:95:95 targets: re-engaging people in care

David Wojnarowicz: F**k You F*ggot F**ker – now online

UK-CAB online training: webinar programme every two weeks

New community platform on HIV and mental health: in 10 EU languages

Glasgow 2022: community statement on HIV and ageing

European AIDS Clinical Society honours Simon Collins for longstanding contribution to the field of HIV

Community “Respect my HIV” march: 30 October 2021 in London

Community murals in Soweto on dolutegravir-based ART: an i-Base collaboration

UK-CAB community representation on guideline panels and research studies

The option for same day antiretroviral therapy on diagnosis: the future model for HIV care

Transgender services and clinics: interviews at AIDS 2014 with JoAnne Keatley and Beatriz Grinsztejn

IAS: social and political talks online as web casts

Evidence from six countries confirms fears of People Living With HIV/AIDS: treatment rationing is escalating

The HIV Research Catalyst Forum: treatment, prevention, advocacy

Experimental HCV drugs for HIV/HCV coinfected people: workshop on trial design

AIDS activists detained by Tanzanian authorities at World Economic Forum on Africa

A view from the lab: interview with Professor Clive Loveday