Q and A

HIV transmission

Why does stigma still stop me telling my boyfriend?

What is the risk of conceiving naturally?

My partner has an undetectable viral load?

Can I use Odimune as PEP?

My partner’s CD4 is 800, can he start treatment?

Can i use my CD4 count to tell how long i’ve been infected?

As a trans man, can testosterone treatment increase my risk of becoming HIV positive?

Can you become infected with HIV after having unprotected sex with a carrier?

How do we make sure my girlfriend and our baby don’t get HIV?

How can I resolve our HIV diagnoses with my partner?

Can I sleep with a breastfeeding woman?

What is the risk to my partner with an undetectable viral load?

Will deliberately infecting somebody stop them leaving me?

Is oral sex a risk when I’m undetectable?

We had unprotected sex, is my boyfriend at risk?

When was my boyfriend infected?

I’m worried about infecting my boyfriend

We’re both positive, can we have unprotected sex?

My partner tested positive and we’ve not had sex for a month?

Does vomiting when you’re pregnant make transmission more likely?

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