Q and A

HIV transmission

Can I be positive yet I haven't slept with a positive person?

My husband is positive and I am negative, can we have a baby?

How high is the risk of transmission between two men when on treatment?

My boyfriend is HIV positive. Am I positive too?

Can you have sex with a positive woman and not get HIV?

How does haematospermia (blood in the semen) affect risk of transmission?

I’m negative and my wife is positive – how do I cope sexually?

My husband tested positive – why am I still negative?

Should I test my children?

If we are both positive, do we need condoms?

How can I reduce the transmission rate to my negative partner?

Can I have unprotected sex with my positive partner without being infected?

I'm newly diagnosed – can I infect someone if they give me oral sex?

Is it ok to have unprotected sex if we are both HIV positive?

Why did my mom remain uninfected by my postive dad?

My boyfriend is positive – can I be infected by him?

What are the risks if my partner is positive?

Do I test my child if my wife was positive during pregnancy?

I tested HIV positive and my boyfriend’s result was negative. Is this possible?

Does pregnancy affect HIV test results?

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