Q and A

Side effects

My husband is undetectable, I’m on PrEP can I still get infected?

Is Tribuss the reason I have lost a lot of weight?

Can pain in my pelvic base be a side effect?

What can I do about side effects from Atripla?

What is the meaning of taking your medication on empty stomach?

Just starting meds, can I take them in the morning?

Are there new drugs and why are old ones still used?

What if my combination fails and can you help neuropathy?

Is drug related neuropathy treatable?

Just started ART: when will feeling dizzy, tired, weak and the moods swings stop?

Questions about starting treatment in the UK…

Is pain on the top of my head a side effect?

What can make efavirenz (Atripla/Tribuss etc) easier – or should I change?

What is causing my weight changes?

Several questions about starting treatment…

My baby is negative at 6 weeks, will she stay negative?

Is my treatment causing my low energy?

I want to start treatment, what are the side effects?

Can ARVs stop my skin becoming lighter?

What can I do to put on weight?

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