Q and A

Side effects

Will my diarrhoea meds interfere with my ARVs?

Does HIV treatment cause arthralgia?

How will treatment change my body?

What can I do if my HIV positive father is depressed?

I am not on ARVs but gaining weight, what does this mean?

Can Trivenz cause early miscarriage?

I’m vegan with high cholesterol. Are my meds the cause?

My mother has just been diagnosed, I have some questions..

What is causing my HIV+ partner’s skin to darken?

What happens if I stop taking treatment?

I am feeling suicidal and want to end it all…

I have type 1 diabetes and HIV. Should I change my diet?

I am positive and on treatment but still losing weight. What should I do?

What does ‘an empty stomach’ mean when taking Atripla?

Are fatty lumps around the neck and shoulders linked to a type of ARV?

Can I still take meds if I am sick after taking them?

Are these side effects from Heftenam (generic Atripla) normal?

Does no side effects mean ART is not working?

How long does it take to get used to Atripla (Atroiza)?

I do not feel enough of a woman as someone who is HIV negative…

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