Q and A

South Africa

Can I take Tribuss with food?

I am pregnant, can I take Tribuss?

What does a CD4 count of 26 mean?

I'm planning to have a baby. Should I start taking ARVs?

Could changing from Atripla to Tribuss have caused my viral load to increase?

How much does treatment cost?

I'm 6 weeks pregnant, when should I start taking ARVs?

How much do ARVs cost privately in South Africa?

How risky is an abortion if I am positive?

Should I stop taking Stocrin now that I am pregnant?

In South Africa on Atripla for two months, will efavirenz mood changes improve?

I started treatment at a high CD4- will I live longer?

Can multi vitamins help to boost my immune system?

My CD4 count is 80 – should I take Atripla?

What is causing me diarrhoea and joint pain?

I am pregnant. When do I start taking ARV’s?

I am travelling to South Africa. What vaccinations should I have?

I'm positive at birth – how do I maintain my CD4 without treatment?

Is it safe to take TB medication with my ARVs?

I am a South African living in London, can I access HIV treatment?

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