Q and A

South Africa

How much food do I need with Eviplera?

Why is my tenofovir a different colour?

Overdosing on ARVs

Can I breastfeed while waiting for test window?

Pregnant and feeling sick

Can I use Tyricten during pregnancy?

Can I use AZT and Atroiza during pregnancy?

I just started odimune and have difficult side effects.

What can I do about peripheral neuropathy?

Pregnant with a low CD4 count

What should I expect from starting Odimune?

I haven’t told my husband I am positive.

Why is my husband vomiting after taking tribuss?

Stopped treatment because of Atripla side effects.

I am pregnant, can I take Tribuss?

When was I infected?

Is my 7 year old child also HIV positive?

Is it safe to conceive while taking Tribuss?

What can I do about my buffalo hump?

I have pain and symptoms after switching to Tribuss

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