Q and A

South Africa

Can i infect my baby through breast feeding?

I might run out of meds for 10 days, what will happen?

I want to breastfeed my baby, is this safe?

My clinic says i’ve defaulted. What now?

I have just been diagnosed and i’m afraid to tell my partner

Pregnant and newly diagnosed, do I need to take ARVs?

Are there any injectable ARVs? I don’t want to have to swallow pills.

My clinic gave me Isoniazid, is it ok to take before starting ARVs?

Can I switch between Atroiza, Tribuss, Odimune and Trivenz?

Can I have another baby?

Can I take muti with ARVs?

Does Atroiza (Atripla) cause eye problems?

Will switching from Tribuss to Trivenz give me efavirenz side effects again?

What can I do if my ARVs are running out?

Can I stop treatment if missing weekend doses has been okay?

Can you take Odimune in the morning after a meal?

I have a CD4 of 714, when should i start ARVs?

Should I be worried about CD4 decrease?

Is New-fill available in South Africa?

Is genital swelling normal with Odimune

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