Q and A

Southern Africa

How quickly will my CD4 and viral load change after starting ART?

I am positive and on treatment but still losing weight. What should I do?

Is a CD4 count of 440 good before starting treatment?

Are condoms important if I am pregnant and my partner is not on ARVs?

Questions about Immunadue

Are these side effects from Heftenam (generic Atripla) normal?

Does no side effects mean ART is not working?

Will starting ART late affect my baby?

How can I hold on to my job and take leave to get to my clinic?

Can l take certirizine tabs while on Tribuss?

I’m neg, my gf is pos: she doesn’t know I know…

Do phytomed herbal products work against HIV?

My viral load is still detectable after six months on Tribuss…

I am loosing weight on Atroiza and loosing my mind…

Can Tribuss cause double vision?

Do I need ART with CD4 count of 770? Is is good that warts got better?

Is it ok to date someone else who is HIV positive?

What is the risk to my negative partner?

Can my HIV negative partner take a pill to not catch HIV?

What if your father is raping you?

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