Q and A

South Africa

I am loosing weight on Atroiza and loosing my mind…

Can Tribuss cause double vision?

Do I need ART with CD4 count of 770? Is is good that warts got better?

Is it ok to date someone else who is HIV positive?

What is the risk to my negative partner?

Can my HIV negative partner take a pill to not catch HIV?

What if your father is raping you?

Just diagnosed with HIV and TB and my CD4 count is 125…

What is the risk for two HIV positive people without condoms?

Can i switch to taking my Tribuss at night?

I got different pills last week, is this ok?

I keep getting pills with different names. Is this ok?

Can my family catch HIV from me?

How can I increase my CD4 count without ARVs?

Are generics the same as brand-name drugs?

How do i know that i am getting the right care?

Can i take Tribuss in the mornings instead of in the evening?

Is HIV treatment going to work for me?

I tested positive, when will i start treatment?

I’ve been changed from Eflanten to Odimune, is it safe?

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