Anticoagulants associated with improved survival rates in people hospitalised with COVID-19

Monoclonal antibodies identified in convalescent plasma COVID-19

Studies reporting lack of benefit from hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19

Israeli cohort shows no protection against COVID-19 from childhood BCG vaccination

Obesity associated with worse outcomes in younger people hospitalised with COVID-19 in the US

ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers do not boost risk of COVID-19 or flu

ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers for hypertension tied to lower death risk with COVID-19

New BHIVA guidelines: B/F/TAF now preferred first-line ART and reduced HIV monitoring in the UK during COVID-19

Joint BHIVA/EACS update on HIV and COVID-19 (April 2020)

Interim US guidance for coinfection COVID-19 and HIV

Potential for CoV-2 to be widely distributed in cells throughout the body

Reports of Kawasaki-like disease in children after the start of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Italy 

Debate over development of pathogenic strains of CoV-2

Coronavirus: the risks – know them – avoid them

Articles supporting wider use of face masks

US groups protest political cuts to COVID-19 research

Guide to homecare and COVID-19

Reviews on immunology of COVID-19

Why it is important to include HIV status and HIV testing in managing COVID-19

COVID-19 symptoms in HIV positive people similar to general population in Wuhan 

Case study of COVID-19 in HIV positive person with history of HCV

Case series of five HIV positive people diagnosed with COVID-19 in Spain

Evidence review for treatment: IDSA guidelines for COVID-19

Remdesivir for COVID-19: first results from compassionate access programme

No benefit of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in people hospitalised with COVID-19

High-dose chloroquine study for COVID-19 stopped with worse outcomes: high risk of cardiovascular events

Potential treatments for COVID-19 could be manufactured for $1 a day or less

MSF calls for no patents or profiteering on COVID-19 drugs, tests, and vaccines in pandemic

Gilead expand UK sites for two phase-3 studies of remdesivir to treat COVID-19

Community survey on impact of COVID-19 and chemsex

Prospective cohorts to study COVID-19 including HIV

COVID-19 prophylaxis using TDF/FTC and low-dose hydroxychloroquine in Spanish health workers

European rapid community assessment reports for COVID-19

A clinical-therapeutic staging proposal for COVID-19

Four papers on CoV-2 transmission

Studies stoke concern about coronavirus contagion through air via speech

BASHH responses to impact of COVID-19 on sexual health services

FDA reduces restrictions on gay men donating blood in the US due to COVID-19

CoV-2 identified in blood donations in China

COVID-19 vaccine study opens for recruitment in UK

US NIH vaccine chief optimistic on prospects for SARS-CoV-2 vaccine

Sanofi and GSK collaborate on COVID-19 vaccine

Trial trackers for coronavirus vaccine studies

COVID-19 and threats to human rights: another HIV parallel

Harm reduction for people who inject drugs and for people in prison

COVID-19: medRxiv and bioRxiv websites

Resources from WHO on COVID-19

Comparing HIV/AIDS and COVID-19 pandemics

New COVID-19 webinars

HTB 27 March 2020: CoV-2 and COVID-2019 special edition

US interim guidelines on COVID-19 and HIV

BHIVA statements on HIV and COVID-19

Chinese Clinical Guidance for COVID-19 Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment (7th edition)

Children’s HIV Association (CHIVA) statement on COVID-19

WHO guidance on severe acute respiratory infection when COVID-19 is suspected

NICE updates rapid COVID-19 guideline on critical care 

US CDC clinical guidance for management of patients with confirmed COVID-19

French guidelines for protection of cancer patients against COVID-19

Guidelines for managing COVID-19 from the Survive Sepsis Campaign

IDSA resource center on COVID-19

Early drugs being studied for COVID-19

Aerosol and surface stability of SARS-CoV-2 as compared with SARS-CoV-1

Median estimated incubation period of COVID-19 is five days – but can be two weeks

Clinical outcomes of adult inpatients with COVID-19

Selected epidemiology links and papers for COVID-19

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