Q and A

Access to treatment

Should I start treatment in South Africa with a CD4 count of 320?

Can I study in India if I am HIV positive?

Can d4T be replaced by AZT?

How can I deal with my GP?

Do HIV-positive pregnant women have to have an abortion?

What is the news about a vaccine?

Is d4T+3TC+EFV good enough?

Can this person receive free treatment in the UK?

How much does it cost to treat HIV in a private hospital?

Can I receive my treatment in Gran Canaria?

Will we be able to access genetic therapy?

Is Truvada+Stocrin a good combination?

Will my medications be free in the UK?

Do most positive people live a normal life?

General advice about my boyfriend in Viet Nam?

What are my chances in South Africa?

Can I receive treatment in London?

Are the medications in Erithrea the same as the medications in the UK?

Do HIV-positive people get free dental treatment in the UK?

Can I use the same medications in Thailand as in the UK?

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