Q and A

Access to treatment

Can I use Fuzeon (T-20) as my anti-HIV treatment in the first place?

What tests will they do before I start treatment?

Can I access treatment if I am from another country?

Can students in the UK get free healthcare?

Can I help friends access treatment in Ghana?

What can one do against HIV wasting syndrome?

If I move to the US, how can I access HIV treatment?

What medications work best for HIV and hepatitis C coinfection?

How can I use raltegravir as first treatment in the UK?

Are ARVs are free in USA for UK students?

I have been treated for hep B and hep C, now which HIV treatments should I take?

I am HIV positive, can I work in Angola?

Co-infected with hepatitis B and hepatitis C, when should I start HIV treatment?

Can I transit through Qatar if I am HIV positive?

What is the situation with ARV availability now that there are no flights?

I am stuck in Spain, how can I access more medication?

What can enhance the quality of life of infected individuals?

La glaucoma puede estar relacionada con los medicamentos que estoy tomando? (Is my glaucoma related to my medication?)

Which drugs should I take if I go back to Chile?

Can I have my baby in the UK?

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