Q and A

Access to treatment

How much do ARVs cost in developing countries?

Can I get a work permit in Australia if I'm HIV positive?

Will the NHS reform affect my current treatment?

Can I develop resistance if I missed 4 days of Atripla?

Do I test my child if my wife was positive during pregnancy?

I am a South African living in London, can I access HIV treatment?

I do not have a health insurance. How can I get treatment in the USA?

Are gall stones related to HIV?

Can I take Vitamins for my HIV?

What is the cost of Trustiva?

Can I get treatment in Vietnam?

How can I get HIV meds in Spain?

Why doesn’t the doctor change treatment in these circumstances?

Can I get use HIV treatment to protect my negative partner?

Can I access Atripla when I go back to Nigeria?

Drug pricing in the UK – comments on an article written by i-Base

Will my friend survive?

When should I start ARVs? What are the symptoms of HIV?

What are the risks missing weekend meds?

Will London guidelines mean I have to change treatment?

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