Q and A

Access to treatment

At which pharmacy can i buy Tribuss in South Africa?

Is New-fill available in South Africa?

Why is my tenofovir a different colour?

Should I continue treatment with a CD4 count over 800?

Do London patients have to switch from Viramune 400 mg to generic nevirapine 200 mg?

Why is my doctor only prescribing 2 ARVs?

Will there be a combined darunavir and ritonavir pill?

There was a stock out of ARVs, what is the risk?

Will I need to tell the dental hospital about my HIV status?

Can I access ARVs in spain?

Where can I find treatment information?

What can I do about my buffalo hump?

What is the cost of treatment in the UK?

How much does treatment cost?

How much do ARVs cost privately in South Africa?

Can I receive free treatment in Dublin if I'm a student?

Can I continue my treatment in Dublin?

Can students get free treatment in Northern Ireland?

Can I buy my HIV medication online?

Can I continue treatment overseas, if I’m a student?

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