Q and A

Access to treatment

How can I hold on to my job and take leave to get to my clinic?

What is Atroiza used for?

Do I need ART with CD4 count of 770? Is is good that warts got better?

My friend in a US prison has detectable viral load and is worried…

Can I get Triumeq in Vietnam

Can I get a work visa for Australia if I’m HIV positive?

I got different pills last week, is this ok?

I keep getting pills with different names. Is this ok?

I have HIV and am pregnant, can i have an abortion?

Do I have to put up with efavirenz side effects?

I moved and lost my insurance, i can’t afford meds now.

How do i know that i am getting the right care?

I tested positive, when will i start treatment?

How can a couple who are both positive have a child?

I’ve not taken ARVs for a week, can i go back to my usual meds?

Can i infect my baby through breast feeding?

I might run out of meds for 10 days, what will happen?

How to take PrEP: daily dosing and other options?

I haven’t seen a doctor yet, is this ok?

Can i access treatment in the UK?

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