Q and A

CD4 and viral load

What are the advantages to starting treatment if my CD4 is 324 and I have symptoms?

What does this result mean?

Can recreational drugs affect your CD4 or viral load counts?

Will my CD4 count and VL change?

Can I use valaciclovir to treat HIV?

Is it important to get a resistance test after being diagnosed?

What do these other lab results mean?

My viral load went up from 58 to 102…

Can I find out when I was infected?

Do my lab results show that I am a fast or slow progressor?

Is taking nevirapine a risk factor for heart disease?

A quick drop in the CD4 count

A sudden drop in the CD4 count

What does a CD4 count of 696 mean?

My clinic wants to change viral load and CD4 monitoring – aren't both tests needed?

Can I take antibiotics if I am HIV positive?

Will fewer cells be infected if I start treatment early?

Stress and CD4 count

Am I ‘lucky’ to be diagnosed with a CD4 count of 1000?

Are my lab results good news for long term survival?

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