Q and A

Changing treatment

Are there benefits for switching from TDF to TAF?

Can I switch from Aluiva and TDF to Luvigen?

Should I switch to Dovato?

Can I switch back to my old regimen?

My viral load increased after COVID…

Can I switch from TDF to TAF?

I am experiencing chest pain…

What is the difference between Trenvir and lamivudine?

Can Biktarvy cause an increase in liver enzymes?

Can I switch from Tivicay to Isentress?

I have insomnia after switching to TLD…

Will Luvigen work the same as Aluvia and Tenemine?

Can I shift from TLE to TLD?

Switching to Biktarvy…

I am on TLD. Can I shift to Triumeq? I am undetectable.

I have been switched to Reydin from a pink tablet?

Can switching from Trenvir have caused my mood disturbances?

Can I switch from TLE to DTG + FTC + TAF?

Can I change from Biktarvy to Tivicay+Decsovy?

Why has my girlfriend been changed from Acriptega to Telatri?

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