Q and A

HIV testing

What does the number mean on an HIV test result?

I have a question about testing

How can I be positive and my husband negative?

What does the number mean on an HIV test result?

How am I positive but my partner negative?

I’m on Rizene treatment, does this mean I am positive?

I’ve recently become positive and have questions..

I have some questions about ARVs, can you help?

Why do I have a number on my negative test result?

Why did my partner test positive when I tested negative?

Do test results show the mode of transmission?

Can I get rid of my HIV antibodies?

Is it possible for my baby to test negative and then positive?

Is HIV transmitted by oral sex?

How can I be HIV positive?

Will a home HIV test be negative if someone is undetectable?

I worry about whether my 36 year old son is HIV positive

How will i know my baby has HIV?

Am i a HIV carrier?

I had unprotected sex with my positive girlfriend, what are my chances?

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