Q and A

HIV testing

Can HIV hide from the test after PEP?

Where can I test for HIV in the UK and is HIV treatment free?

I’m positive, is it possible that my husband can be negative?

What do reactive negative/non-reactive results mean?

Is a negative test after three months accurate?

A condom burst with my positive girlfriend. Will I have HIV now?

How can my partner test HIV positive and I test HIV negative?

Does ‘non-reactive’ mean I am HIV negative?

My partner blames me for her positive test result but I am negative…

My boyfriend won’t test and I am worried he might be positive?

What is a 4th generation HIV test?

Can stress cause similar symptoms to HIV seroconversion?

Could my child be negative?

Will HIV tests be positive if viral load is undetectable?

Will I always test HIV positive even with undetectable viral load?

Why has my baby got thrush?

What does the number on my HIV test result mean?

How accurate is an HIV test after 14 days?

Why don’t they write HIV results on medical cards?

Can I still be negative when my partner has tested positive?

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