Q and A

Living with HIV long-term

What makes someone a fast progressor?

What is your life expectancy if treatment is not an option?

I'm a rapid progressor – is my life expectancy reduced as a result?

Am I fooling myself or is a long life really possible?

Is Acute Retroviral Rebound Syndrome different from Immune Reconsitution Syndrome (IRIS)?

Is treatment different for older people?

Do HIV-positive people get free dental treatment in the UK?

Can an HIV diagnosis be confused with something else?

How detrimental it is to stop treatment while on NNRTI?

Is there a risk of resistance from one partner starting meds?

Do you believe Dr Fauci's claim for a cure from early treatment?

How long can someone live with HIV?

Foamy urine and dry palms

Do HIV increase time for cuts to heal?

Can Truvada and Sustiva (efavirenz) cause fat loss?

What about quality of life with long-term treatment?

Will most people develop resistance to HIV treatment?

Can you take a treatment break?

What is immune reconstitution syndrome?

Do fast progressors have a shorter life expectancy?

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