Q and A

Living with HIV long-term

What about quality of life with long-term treatment?

Will most people develop resistance to HIV treatment?

Can you take a treatment break?

Can I play football if I am HIV-positive?

What is immune reconstitution syndrome?

Do fast progressors have a shorter life expectancy?

How long can you live with AIDS?

What are my Dad's life chances?

Can I get married after an HIV diagnosis?

How long can someone with HIV live?

If HIV is now manageable why are people still dying?

What is the maximum life expectancy of a person who already developed AIDS using HIV treatment?

Will being HIV-positive change my sex drive?

Can I get circumcised if I am HIV positive?

Any info on a new drug called KP1461?

Can alcohol affect my CD4 count?

Is it too late to start treatment?

Complications of Reiter's disease (reactive arthritis)

Can stress and other factors stop meds from working?

Alcohol interactions and HIV meds – 12 pints?

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