Q and A

Supplements and herbs

Can I take Marinol to increase my CD4 count?

Can immunadue heal an abcess?

Can I take Vitamins for my HIV?

Is this herbal study from IAS in Rome a cure?

How do I know if my meds are causing bone problems?

Should I use Omega supplements and at what dose?

What can I do about loosing weight?

Will Revivo and Baariz cure HIV?

Does green tea interact with ARVs?

Can I take Ginseng with my ARVs to overcome my fatigue?

How can someone with a low CD4 prevent opportunistic infections?

Will taking aloe vera stop me needing ARVs?

Will eating garlic or garlic tablets interact with my HIV medication?

Can I take omega and vitamin D at the same time as ARVs?

If I take vitamins will I not have to take ARVs?

Will my muscle mass come back?

Is increased cholesterol due to the HIV or the meds?

Is it safe to use Aloe Vera?

Can HIV positive people go to a sauna without any harm to their health?

I have just started medication and have a lot of questions…..

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