Long-term persistence of distinct mutations in genital tract

5th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy, 8-11 July 2003, Paris

Underlying mechanisms: adipocytes and cytokines

More mitochondrial DNA depletion

IMT and cardiovascular risk

Reduced bone mineral density in HIV-positive women

Rosiglitazone with insulin resistance

Additional benefits of exercise with metformin

Mitochondrial toxicity with AZT and d4T – and benefits of switch to abacavir

Facial fat loss – measuring and treatment

Uridine treatment for mitochondrial toxicity

Breast enlargement in men and testosterone treatment

Severe efavirenz psychotic events

Treatment interruption: a real choice

2nd IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment, 13-16 July 2003, Paris

Nevirapine and MTCT: the single-dose backlash

Triple nucleoside combinations fail patients again

Nucleoside-sparing regimens

Dual boosted PIs in salvage therapy

BMS reports on atazanavir efficacy and safety in treatment experienced patients

Unsupervised treatment interruptions are associated with increased risk of AIDS or death

Uridine as a potential treatment for NRTI related mitochondrial toxicity

Long term exposure to nucleoside analogues and peripheral nerve function

Step-wise intervention eases diarrhoea linked to PI nelfinavir (Viracept) therapy

First results from ESPRIT study: CD4 response to IL-2 is associated with higher nadir and baseline CD4 and younger age

Lessons learned from early HAART in acute HIV infection

CD4 cell reconstitution is significantly slower in older patients

Pharmacology studies at the 2nd IAS conference

Studies highlight problems of rectal disease in HIV-positive patients

Appointment of industry executive to supervise US AIDS initiative provokes criticism

T-20 launched in UK

US guidelines updated (July 2003)

US approval of FTC (emtricitabine)

Resistance summary of new PIs: atazanavir and tipranavir

Bone mineral metabolism and HIV-infection

Protease inhibitors and Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS): KS relapse seen after switch from PI to NNRTI

UK highest rate of new infections at over 5,000 cases

Medicines Control Agency slated by Commons committee

Conference reports and abstracts

Medscape articles

Newletters and reports

Volume 4 Number 7 August/September 2003 PDF

Volume 4 Number 6 July 2003

Activist anger over US ‘ambush’ of the Global Fund

$15 billion AIDS bill signed, but full funding shaky

New GAA report: US and G8 must act fast to rescue Global Fund

World Health Assembly approves resolution supporting public health considerations in drug policy

WHO Assembly analysis

Bill Gates to give $1 million to Brazil’s AIDS programme

Adherence is not a barrier to successful antiretroviral therapy in South Africa

T-20 approved in Europe

Tenofovir European licence extended to include first-line therapy

FDA approves atazanavir in US – a once daily protease inhibitor

Atanazavir and saquinavir in salvage therapy: reduced effect on lipids shown in pilot study

Major change to OPTIMA salvage therapy study in the UK

Is stress associated with CIN progression in HIV-positive women?

FDA says some follow-up drug studies are never started

Lamotrigine shows some benefit for HIV-associated painful sensory neuropathies

HIV and heart disease: D:A:D prevalence rates show importance of accessing CVD risk in HIV patients

HAART increases body fat at first; both d4T and AZT lead to subsequent fat loss

Lipoatrophy improved by switching from d4T to abacavir

T cell activation is associated with decreased CD4+ T cell gains during ARV therapy

Structured treatment interruptions trial shows no benefit

New antibiotic appears effective against MDR-TB

Tobacco use increases risk for pulmonary diseases and weakens response to therapy in patients on HAART

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