Antiretrovirals calculated to extend life expectancy by 35 years

Etravirine approved in Europe

Abacavir label updated in the US on use of B-5701 testing and cardiovascular risk

UK National Guidelines for HIV Testing 2008

UK Guidelines on the Management of HIV infection in Pregnant Women (2008) published

Ritonavir label updated in the US relating to cardiac arrhythmia reported in high-dose studies

Atazanavir label updated in the US relating to drug interactions with NNTRIs, hormonal contraceptives, midazolam, H2 receptor antagonists and other drugs

Ugandan activists acquitted of trespass charges after objecting to exclusion of sexual minorities from the national HIV/AIDS programme

UK Guidelines on HIV Associated Malignancies (2008) published online

US paediatric guidelines updated (2008)

Implications of transmission with undetectable HIV viral load: lower limit for HIV transmission excluded from model

Tenofovir safe in pregnancy in macaque model

Microbial translocation in immunological non-responders to ART

Case report of sexual transmission when viral load suppressed to <50 copies/mL

Atripla to be licensed in Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region

HIV RNA is detectable in semen in 5% patients with undetectable blood plasma viral attending fertility clinic

Tenofovir gel as a rectal microbicide: evidence for protection and priming of T-cell responses in the SIV challenge model

Genetic protection against malaria may increase susceptibility to HIV infection in people of African decent

US CDC issue reports of false-positive oral rapid tests in New York HIV testing programme

Drug interaction reports from Liverpool University website

FDA approval of generic ARVs

IAVI Report

In defence of rational AIDS activism: how the irrationality of Act Up-Paris and others is risking the health of people with HIV or at risk of HIV infection

Conference abstracts and presentations

Latest global and country-level HIV/AIDS data

PRN notebook articles

PEPFAR funding bill authorised by the US Senate

PLoS Medicine articles

Mexico 2008: non-technical summary of 10 key areas of research PDF

10 key areas of research: non-technical summary of studies and presentations from Mexico

Volume 9 Number 9/10 Sep/Oct 2008 PDF

Volume 9 Number 7/8 Jul/Aug 2008

XVII International HIV Resistance Workshop (IHDRW), 6-10 June 2008, Sitges

Integrase inhibitor resistance and cross-resistance: weighing viral fitness and the option to benefit from second-generation compounds

Understanding etravirine susceptibility: new weighted genotype score and phenotypic cut-offs

Pipeline antiretrovirals: IDX899, CHX157 and bevirimat

Lack of virological impact of treatment intensification in suppressed patients supports latent viral reservoir as source of residual viraemia

NNRTI resistance in infants prophylaxed with single-dose nevirapine varies by the timing of infection

Detecting viral tropism: impact of a more sensitive Trofile (ES) assay

Low frequency K103N mutations are associated with poor virological response to NNRTI based therapy

14th Annual BHIVA Conference, 23-25 April 2008, Belfast

Bone problems raised in several UK studies

Late diagnosis in adolescence of vertically acquired HIV infection

Case study of multi-drug resistant woman receiving newer antiretroviral drugs in pregnancy

Predictors of treatment failure in Western Cape, South Africa

Late pregnancy loss in HIV-positive women

Renal tubular dysfunction with tenofovir-based HAART in four vertically infected adolescents

15th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, 2-6 February 2008

The unmet need for contraception services for women receiving ART

Valacyclovir decreases plasma and genital viral loads in HSV-2/HIV-1 co-infected women

HPV genotypes in HIV-positive women in Zimbabwe and Uganda

FDA approval of generic ARVs

Access to generic efavirenz in South Africa: MSD agrees to grant licenses on reasonable terms

Reaching 3 by 5…by 7: new report on universal access

Oxfam criticises DFID’s new strategy as a “missed opportunity”

Boosted atazanavir approved in Europe as first-line therapy

BMS and Merck discontinue 100mg capsule formulation of efavirenz used for paediatric treatment

Saquinavir (Invirase) interactions with digoxin, garlic capsules, methadone, tipranavir and omeprazole: US label changes

US label changes for nevirapine paediatric solution

New US pediatric dosing for lopinavir/r

New US pediatric dosing for tipranavir/r

DSMB stops ACTG study due to suboptimal responses

UK (BHIVA) 2008 Treatment Guidelines published online

Major updates to US guidelines on prevention and treatment of OIs (2008)

Low rates of MTCT in UK and Ireland

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